Please! Allow me to help you, your band, your sound, your song to be heard! If you are a creator of #melodicpop, #powerpop, #surfpop, #nostalgiapop, #retropop, #shoegazerpop, #punkpop, #jazzpop, #bubblegumpop, #sunshinepop, #dreampop, #Americanapop, #Britpop, #Indiepop, #Garagepop, #harmonyPOP,  #Janglepop …filled with harmonies, jangle guitars, driving rhythm section…I WANT TO HELP GET YOUR SOUND OUT & HEARD! Give the show a listen and see if you might be representative of what I play! Send high quality sound files to jrprell@mindspring,com, cd’s, vinyl, flash drives to Jim Prell 990 Fulton Lane NE, Palm Bay, Florida 32905. Can’t make you famous, but I can get you heard! Podcast!The Music Authority Podcast...listen, like, comment, download, share, repeat…heard daily on Podchaser, Deezer, Amazon Music, Audible, Listen Notes, Mixcloud, Player FM, Tune In, Podcast Addict, Cast Box, Radio Public, Pocket Cast, APPLE iTunes, and direct for the source distribution site: *Podcast -  AND NOW there is a website!
The Music Authority Podcast! Special Recorded Network Shows, too! Different than my daily show! Seeing that I’m gone from FB now…Follow me on “X” Jim Prell@TMusicAuthority
*Radio Candy Radio Monday Wednesday, & Friday 7PM ET, 4PM PT
*Rockin’ The KOR Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 7PM UK time, 2PM ET, 11AM PT
*Pop Radio UK Friday, Saturday, & Sunday 6PM UK, 1PM ET, 10AM PT! 
*The Sole Of Indie  Monday Through Friday 6-7PM EST!
*AltPhillie.Rocks Sunday, Thursday, & Saturday At 11:00AM ET!
January 21, 2025, Tuesday, level two…
@SHOPFIRES - Where We Belong [Surplus EP] (@Subjangle)
@Eric van Dijsseldonk - Everybody's Busy [Half-Time] (
@Tom Baker - Where's My Baby Now [Justine & Me] (@Rum Bar Records)
@Mala Vista - Juana La Cubana [Fun Time]
@It's Karma It’s Cool - Absent Transient [Homesick For Our Future Destinations] (
@The Hellflowers - The Call [Deluxe] (@Rum Bar Records)
@The Campbell Apartment - In My Dreams [510]
@Vegas With Randolph - I Can't Walk Away [The Future Store]
@Pseudonym - Before The Monsters Came [Before The Monsters Came] (
@Nicki Kris - Out Of Time [Unleashed]
@The Cornfed Project - Goat [The Cornfed Project (Reissue)] (@Rum Bar Records)
@He's Dead Jim - Adam Eterno [Head Like A Toyshop] (
@Movieland - I Relate [Then & Now]
@Nick Frater - It's All Rumours [Earworms] (@Big Stir Records)
@Dislexia - Love Is Blind [Snowball] (
@David A Burdick - Strangers When We Meet [The Chasm - EP]
@Carl Street – She’s A Star [Into The Void]